Model parameter analysis

Parameter sweeps of multiple outcome metrics can be performed with the function analyze_model_parameters(). As it has a large number of parameters, we demonstrate and comment on them here.

A typical use case of analyze_model_parameters() is the following:

In [1]: from gemmr.sample_analysis import *

In [2]: results = analyze_model_parameters(
   ...:     model='cca',
   ...:     estr='CCA',
   ...:     n_rep=10,
   ...:     n_perm=10,
   ...:     n_Sigmas=1,
   ...:     n_test=1000,
   ...:     pxs=(2,),
   ...:     rs=(0.9,),
   ...:     axPlusay_range=(0, 0),
   ...:     n_per_ftrs='auto',
   ...:     addons=[
   ...:         addon.weights_true_cossim,
   ...:         addon.test_scores,
   ...:         addon.scores_true_spearman,
   ...:         addon.loadings_true_pearson,
   ...:         addon.remove_weights_loadings,
   ...:         addon.remove_test_scores
   ...:     ],
   ...:     mk_test_statistics=addon.mk_test_statistics_scores,
   ...:     saved_perm_features=['between_assocs'],
   ...:     postprocessors=[
   ...:         postproc.power,
   ...:         postproc.remove_between_assocs_perm
   ...:     ],
   ...:     random_state=42,
   ...:     show_progress=True
   ...: )

In [3]: results
Dimensions:                            (Sigma_id: 1, mode: 1, n_per_ftr: 3, px: 1, r: 1, rep: 10, test_sample: 1000, x_feature: 2, x_orig_feature: 2, y_feature: 2, y_orig_feature: 2)
  * test_sample                        (test_sample) int64 0 1 2 ... 997 998 999
  * y_orig_feature                     (y_orig_feature) int64 0 1
  * r                                  (r) float64 0.9
  * Sigma_id                           (Sigma_id) int64 0
  * n_per_ftr                          (n_per_ftr) int64 3 4 8
  * x_orig_feature                     (x_orig_feature) int64 0 1
  * x_feature                          (x_feature) int64 0 1
  * y_feature                          (y_feature) int64 0 1
  * px                                 (px) int64 2
Dimensions without coordinates: mode, rep
Data variables:
    between_assocs                     (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep) float64 0.8429 ... 0.9005
    between_covs_sample                (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep) float64 0.6283 ... 0.879
    between_corrs_sample               (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep) float64 0.8429 ... 0.9005
    x_weights_true_cossim              (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep) float64 0.9998 ... 0.9694
    y_weights_true_cossim              (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep) float64 0.9626 ... 0.9999
    x_test_scores_true_spearman        (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep) float64 0.9997 ... 0.9694
    y_test_scores_true_spearman        (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep) float64 0.9563 ... 0.9999
    x_test_loadings_true_pearson       (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep, mode) float64 1.0 ... 1.0
    y_test_loadings_true_pearson       (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep, mode) float64 1.0 ... 1.0
    x_test_crossloadings_true_pearson  (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep, mode) float64 1.0 ... 1.0
    y_test_crossloadings_true_pearson  (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr, rep, mode) float64 1.0 ... 1.0
    between_assocs_true                (px, r, Sigma_id, mode) float64 0.9
    x_weights_true                     (px, r, Sigma_id, x_feature, mode) float64 -0.9404 0.34
    y_weights_true                     (px, r, Sigma_id, y_feature, mode) float64 -0.9585 0.285
    ax                                 (px, r, Sigma_id) float64 0.0
    ay                                 (px, r, Sigma_id) float64 0.0
    latent_expl_var_ratios_x           (px, r, Sigma_id, mode) float64 0.5
    latent_expl_var_ratios_y           (px, r, Sigma_id, mode) float64 0.5
    weight_selection_algorithm         (px, r, Sigma_id) <U4 'qr__'
    x_loadings_true                    (px, r, Sigma_id, x_feature, mode) float64 -0.9404 0.34
    x_crossloadings_true               (px, r, Sigma_id, x_feature, mode) float64 -0.8464 0.306
    y_loadings_true                    (px, r, Sigma_id, y_feature, mode) float64 -0.9585 0.285
    y_crossloadings_true               (px, r, Sigma_id, y_feature, mode) float64 -0.8627 0.2565
    x_test_scores_true                 (px, r, Sigma_id, test_sample) float64 -0.02386 ... -2.778
    y_test_scores_true                 (px, r, Sigma_id, test_sample) float64 -0.8795 ... -2.494
    py                                 (px) int64 2
    power                              (px, r, Sigma_id, n_per_ftr) float64 0.0 ... 0.0

Here’s what all the parameters are for:

  • model indicates whether synthetic data for 'cca' or 'pls' should be generated
  • estr specifies an estimator with which the synthetic datasets are analyzed. This can be None or 'auto' in which case an estimator corresponding to the model will be used. It can also be more specifically 'CCA', 'PLS' or 'SparseCCA', or an instance of an estimator class.
  • n_rep is the number of synthetic datasets drawn from each normal distribution
  • n_perm is the number of times the rows of the \(Y\) dataset are permuted. For each permutation the resulting dataset is analyzed in exactly the same way as the unpermuted dataset. As the permutations destroy associations between \(X\) and \(Y\), null-distributions of quantities can be obtained in this way. Specifically, the permutations are required to calculate statistical power. We suggest to use at least 1000 permutations. Note also that the total computational cost heavily depends on n_perm.
  • n_Sigmas specifies how many normal distributions (more specifically: joint covariance matrices) are set up. If more than 1 is used they differ in the within-set variance spectrum (see axPlusay_range) and in the direction of the true weight vectors relative to the principal component axes. For CCA, when axPlusay_range=(0,0), given the number of features and true correlation, all covariance matrices are identical, so that a small number for n_Sigmas should be sufficient to explore random fluctutations.
  • n_test is the sample size used for a separate test dataset drawn from the same normal distribution as the synthetic dataset analyzed. Each draw from the normal distributions results in data for different “subjects”, i.e. the rows of the generated data matrices have independent identities across repetitions. Some add-on functions that intend to compare generated data across repetitions therefore use a common.
  • pxs is an iterable specifying the number of features for dataset \(X\). The number of features for dataset \(Y\) is assumed to be identical by default, but see argument py of ccapwr.sample_analysis.analyzers.analyze_model_parameters()
  • rs is an iterable specifying the assumed true correlations between datasets
  • axPlusay_range is a tuple specifying the minimum and maximum value for \(a_x+a_y\). \(a_x\) and \(a_y\) are, respectively, the decay constants for the powerlaws describing the within-set variance spectrum for datasets \(X\) and \(Y\). Each time a covariance matrix is set up values for \(a_x+a_y\) are drawn uniformly within this range. For CCA use axPlusay_range=(0,0)
  • n_per_ftrs is an iterable giving the number of samples per total number of features (i.e. the number of features in \(X\) plus the number of features in \(Y\)) to use. It can also be set to 'auto' in which case a crude experience-based heuristic is used to choose the set of numbers
  • addons is a list of add-on functions that allow to run arbitrary analyses on each synthetic dataset after it has been fitted. A number of such functions is provided in module addon,
  • mk_test_statistics is call-able object providing statistics of the test dataset that are made available to all add-on functions
  • saved_perm_features allows to specify which outcomes are saved for permuted datasets. Each permuted dataset is analyzed in exactly the same way as the unpermuted dataset, but if only a subset of the outcomes are of interest, these can be specified here
  • postprocessors is a list of functions that are called after the loop over all other parameters has finished. For example, statistical power can be calculated with this mechanism. A number of such functions i provided in module postproc.
  • random_state must be set to distinct values if analyze_model_parameters is is called multiple times to explore the variability across covariance matrices
  • show_progress shows progress bars for the loops over parameters if set to True