Private API reference



metrics.mk_betweenAssocRelError(ds[, ...])

Evaluate the relative error of the between-set association strength.

metrics.mk_betweenAssocRelError_cv(ds, cv_assoc)

Evaluate the relative error of the cross-validated between-set association strength.

metrics.mk_meanBetweenAssocRelError(ds, cv_assoc)

Evaluate the relative error of the between-set association strength as the average of the in-sample and cross-validated value.

metrics.mk_weightError(ds[, suffix, prefix])

Evaluate the weight error.

metrics.mk_scoreError(ds[, prefix])

Evaluate the score error.

metrics.mk_loadingError(ds[, prefix])

Evaluate the loading error.

metrics.mk_crossloadingError(ds[, prefix])

Evaluate the cross-loading error.


interpolation.calc_n_required(metric, ...[, ...])

Calculate required sample sizes for a given metric.


Calculate n_required for 5 commonly used metrics, as well as maximum across metrics.


Finds the maximum sample size across datasets.

linear_model.do_fit_lm(ds, n_reqs[, ...])

Fits a linear model to outcome data.

linear_model.prep_data_for_lm(ds, n_reqs, ...)

Prepare outcome data for use with linear model.

linear_model.fit_linear_model(criterion, model)

Fit a linear model to outcome data.

linear_model.get_lm_coefs(model, criterion, ...)

Get linear model coefficients.

linear_model._save_linear_model(model[, ...])

Save linear model.


loaders.load_metaanalysis_outcomes(px, py, n)

Load previously generated outcomes for a specific parameter set.

loaders.load_metaanalysis([data_home, fetch])

Load table of metaanalysis features.

loaders._fetch_synthanad(fname, path)

Retrieve file from remote repository.

loaders._check_data_home(data_home[, subfolder])

Check data_home directory

loaders._check_outcome_data_exists(fname, path)

Check if a given outcome data file exists and possibly retrieve it if not.


check_positive_definite(Sigma, noise_level)

Check if a matrix is positive definite.

align_weights(v, vtrue[, copy, return_sign])

Align vectors in rows of v such that they have a positive dot-product with vtrue.

nPerFtr2n(nPerFtr[, py])

Convert a DataArray with elements representing "n_per_ftr" into "n"