, sm, feature_names=None, final_sm_deconfound=True, confounders=(), hcp_confounders=False, hcp_confounder_software_version=True, squared_confounders=False, hcp_data_dict_correct_pct_to_t=False, include_N2=False, confounds_impute=0)

Data preprocessing pipeline from Smith et al. (2015).

  • fc (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame or xr.DataArray (n_samples, n_X_features)) – neuroimaging data matrix

  • sm (pd.DataFrame (n_samples, n_Y_features)) – behavioral and demographic data matrix. Names of features to include, and confounds must be column names

  • feature_names (None, slice or list-like) – names of features to use, names must be columns in sm. If None default (i.e. from Smith et al. 2015, applicable to HCP data) feature names are used

  • final_sm_deconfound (bool) – if True the subject measure data matrix will be deconfounded again as a very last preprocessing step, as in Smith et al. (2015). In that case, however, the resulting columns of Y will NOT be principal component scores.

  • confounders (tuple of str) – column-names in sm to be used as confounders. If some are not found a warning is issued and the code will continue without the missing ones.

  • hcp_confounders (bool) – if True ‘Weight’, ‘Height’, ‘BPSystolic’, ‘BPDiastolic’, ‘HbA1C’ as well as the cubic roots of ‘FS_BrainSeg_Vol’, ‘FS_IntraCranial_Vol’ are included as confounders

  • hcp_confounder_software_version (bool) – if True and hcp_confounders is also True, then the feature ‘fMRI_3T_ReconVrs’ (encoded as a dummy variable) is used as confounder

  • squared_confounders (bool) – if True the squares of all confounders (except software version, if used) are used as additional confounders

  • hcp_data_dict_correct_pct_to_t (bool) – concerns only feature_names from HCP data dictionary. If True a number of feature_names are replaced, see _check_feature_names().

  • include_N2 (bool) – if True, the data matrix, normalized by the absolute value of the mean of each feature, will be used as additional features, concatenating it horizontally to the z-scored data matrix

  • confounds_impute (None, 0 or "mice") – if 0, missing confound values are imputed with 0 (after an inverse normal transformation), if “mice” sklearn.impute.IterativeImputer is used, if None no imputation is performed


preprocessed_data – with items:

  • Xnp.ndarray (n_samples, n_X_features)

    dataset X (principal component scores)

  • Ynp.ndarray (n_samples, n_Y_features)

    dataset Y (principal component scores)

  • X_whitenednp.ndarray (n_samples, n_X_features)

    whitened dataset X

  • Y_whitenednp.ndarray (n_samples, n_Y_features)

    whitened dataset Y

  • Y_rawnp.ndarray (n_samples, n_Y_features)

    unprocessed Y data comprising only the selected features (i.e. the matrix S4_raw)

  • feature_nameslist

    ordered list of feature names corresponding to the columns of Y

  • X_pc_axesnp.ndarray (n_X_features, n_components)

    X principal component axes

  • confoundersnp.ndarray (n_samples, n_features)

    confounder data matrix

  • X_preprocnp.ndarray (n_samples, n_X_features)

    preprocessed X data (not PC-ed)

  • Y_preprocnp.ndarray (n_samples, n_Y_features)

    preprocessed Y data (not PC-ed)

Return type:



Smith et al., A positive-negative mode of population covariation links brain connectivity, demographics and behavior, Nature Neuroscience (2015)