Loadings and Cross-loadings

We explore how many samples are necessary to obtain stable cross-loadings, and compare to loadings.


import warnings
from matplotlib import MatplotlibDeprecationWarning
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', MatplotlibDeprecationWarning)
    'ignore', 'aspect is not supported for Axes with xscale=log, yscale=linear', category=UserWarning
)  # holoviews emits this for log-linear plots
from tqdm import TqdmExperimentalWarning
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=TqdmExperimentalWarning)

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist

from sklearn.utils import check_random_state

from gemmr.data import load_outcomes, print_ds_stats
from gemmr.generative_model import *
from gemmr.sample_analysis import *
from gemmr.estimators import SVDCCA
from gemmr.sample_size import *
from gemmr.metrics import *
from gemmr.util import subset_ds

from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts

from my_config import *
ds_cca = load_outcomes('sweep_cca_cca_random_sum+-2+-2')
ds_pls = load_outcomes('sweep_pls_pls_random_sum+-2+-2')
Loading data from subfolder 'gemmr_latest'
Loading data from subfolder 'gemmr_latest'
ds_cca = ds_cca.sel(px=ds_cca.px<128)
ds_pls = ds_pls.sel(px=ds_pls.px<128)
ds_cca = subset_ds(ds_cca, n_keep=25)
ds_pls = subset_ds(ds_pls, n_keep=25)
assert (ds_cca.py == ds_cca.px).where(np.isfinite(ds_cca.py)).all()
assert (ds_pls.py == ds_pls.px).where(np.isfinite(ds_pls.py)).all()

What’s in the outcome data?

n_modes          1
n_rep            100
n_per_ftr        [   3    4    8   16   32   64  128  256  512 1024 2048 4096 8192]
r                [0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7]
px               [ 2  4  8 16 32 64]
ax+ay range     (-2.00, -2.00)
py              == px

<xarray.DataArray 'n_Sigmas' (px: 6, r: 4)>
array([[25, 25, 25, 25],
       [25, 25, 25, 25],
       [25, 25, 25, 25],
       [25, 25, 25, 25],
       [25, 25, 25, 25],
       [ 0, 25, 25, 25]])
  * r        (r) float64 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7
  * px       (px) int64 2 4 8 16 32 64

power           calculated
n_modes          1
n_rep            100
n_per_ftr        [   3    4    8   16   32   64  128  256  512 1024 2048 4096 8192]
r                [0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7]
px               [ 2  4  8 16 32 64]
ax+ay range     (-2.00, -2.00)
py              == px

<xarray.DataArray 'n_Sigmas' (px: 6, r: 4)>
array([[25, 25, 25, 25],
       [25, 25, 25, 25],
       [25, 25, 25, 25],
       [ 0, 25, 25, 25],
       [ 0, 25, 25, 25],
       [ 0,  0,  0, 10]])
  * r        (r) float64 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7
  * px       (px) int64 2 4 8 16 32 64

power           calculated

True loadings vs true cross-loadings

How similar are loadings and cross-loadings in principle? We compare here their true values that were calculated directly from the assumed joint covariance matrices (i.e. they were not estimated from data).

def _corr(x, y, corr_fun=pearsonr):
    mask = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)
    if mask.sum() >= 2:
        return corr_fun(x[mask], y[mask])[0]
        return np.nan

def corrs_loading_crossloadings_true(ds, corr_fun=pearsonr):
    return xr.apply_ufunc(
        input_core_dims=[['x_feature'], ['x_feature']],
cca_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true = corrs_loading_crossloadings_true(ds_cca, pearsonr).mean('Sigma_id').rename('Pearson correlation between\ntrue loadings and\ntrue cross-loadings')
cca_spearmanr_loadings_crossloadings_true = corrs_loading_crossloadings_true(ds_cca, spearmanr).mean('Sigma_id').rename('Spearman correlation between\ntrue loadings and\ntrue cross-loadings')

pls_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true = corrs_loading_crossloadings_true(ds_pls, pearsonr).mean('Sigma_id').rename('Pearson correlation between\ntrue loadings and\ntrue cross-loadings')
pls_spearmanr_loadings_crossloadings_true = corrs_loading_crossloadings_true(ds_pls, spearmanr).mean('Sigma_id').rename('Spearman correlation between\ntrue loadings and\ntrue cross-loadings')
cca_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true = cca_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true.assign_coords(
    px=2 * cca_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true.px

pls_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true = pls_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true.assign_coords(
    px=2 * pls_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true.px
fig_true_cca = (
    hv.QuadMesh(cca_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true, kdims=['ptot', 'r']).opts(hooks=[suptitle_cca])
    ptot='Number of features',
    opts.QuadMesh(logx=True, cmap='inferno', clim=(0, 1), fig_inches=(1.7, None), sublabel_format='c', sublabel_position=(-.5, .85)),

handles = []
def horizontal_colorbar(plot, element):
    cax = plot.handles['cax']
    ax = plot.handles['axis']
    bbox = ax.get_position()
    l, b, w, h = bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.width, bbox.height
    cax.set_position([l, -.2, w, 0.05*h])

fig_true_pls = (
    hv.QuadMesh(pls_pearsonr_loadings_crossloadings_true, kdims=['ptot', 'r'])
    ptot='Number of features',
        logx=True, cmap='inferno', clim=(0, 1), clabel="corr(loadings, cross-loadings)", fig_inches=(1.7, None), colorbar=True,
        colorbar_opts={"orientation":"vertical", "label": ""}, ylabel='', hooks=[suptitle_pls],
        sublabel_format='d', sublabel_position=(-.5, .85)),


How many samples are required to obtain stable cross-loadings, compared to the number of required samples for loadings?

target_error = 0.1

n_reqs_cca = calc_n_required_all_metrics(ds_cca.sel(mode=0), target_error=target_error, search_dim='n_per_ftr')
n_reqs_pls = calc_n_required_all_metrics(ds_pls.sel(mode=0), target_error=target_error, search_dim='n_per_ftr')

n_reqs_cca['crossloadingError'] = calc_n_required(
    -target_error, target_error, search_dim='n_per_ftr')
n_reqs_pls['crossloadingError'] = calc_n_required(
    -target_error, target_error, search_dim='n_per_ftr')
pxs_cca = n_reqs_cca['combined'].px
pxs_pls = n_reqs_pls['combined'].px

rel_diff = lambda n_reqs, ref_metric: ((n_reqs['crossloadingError'] - n_reqs[ref_metric]) / n_reqs[ref_metric]).mean('Sigma_id').sel(px=n_reqs[ref_metric].px>2).rename('Required samples per feature\n(cross-loadings - loadings)/loadings')
_rel_diff_cca = rel_diff(n_reqs_cca, 'loadingError')
_rel_diff_cca = _rel_diff_cca.assign_coords(
    px=2 * _rel_diff_cca.px

_rel_diff_pls = rel_diff(n_reqs_pls, 'loadingError')
_rel_diff_pls = _rel_diff_pls.assign_coords(
    px=2 * _rel_diff_pls.px
fig_crossloadings_cca = (
    hv.QuadMesh(_rel_diff_cca, kdims=['ptot', 'r'])
    ptot='Number of features',
        logx=True, logz=False, cmap='RdBu_r', symmetric=True, clim=(-.65, .65), hooks=[suptitle_cca],
        fig_inches=(1.7, None), ylabel='', colorbar=False, colorbar_opts={"orientation":"vertical"},
        sublabel_format='e', sublabel_position=(-.5, .85))

fig_crossloadings_pls = (
    hv.QuadMesh(_rel_diff_pls, kdims=['ptot', 'r'])
    ptot='Number of features',
        logx=True, logz=False, cmap='RdBu_r', symmetric=True, clim=(-.65, .65), hooks=[suptitle_pls],
        fig_inches=(1.7, None), ylabel='', colorbar=True, colorbar_opts={"orientation":"vertical"},
        sublabel_format='f', sublabel_position=(-.5, .85))


Loadings schematic

rng = check_random_state(42)

n = 100
rXs = [.5, .9, .3, .8]
tX = rng.normal(size=n)
X = np.array([rXs]) * tX.reshape(-1, 1) + rng.normal(size=(n, 4))

rYs = [.7, .2, .8, .9]
tY = rng.normal(size=n)
Y = np.array([rYs]) * tY.reshape(-1, 1) + rng.normal(size=(n, 4))

X.shape, Y.shape
((100, 4), (100, 4))
# extent is used below for figure layout
calc_extent = lambda X, t: max(max(np.abs(X.min(0))), max(np.abs(X.max(0))), np.abs(t.min()), t.max())
extentX = calc_extent(X, tX)
extentY = calc_extent(Y, tY)
print(extentX, extentY)
extent = max(extentX, extentY)
4.190859707165826 4.323160858691789
def hook_loadings(plot, element):

    ax = plot.handles['axis']
    fig = plot.handles['fig']

    if (ax.get_position().x0 > .75):
        ax.text(-extent-2.05, 0, '...', transform=ax.transData)

    if (ax.get_position().x0 > .75) and (ax.get_position().y0 > .5):

        # X loadings
        rect = Rectangle((0.12, 0.90), .85, .05, fill=True, alpha=.1, linewidth=0, linestyle='--',
                         facecolor='steelblue', transform=fig.transFigure)
        fig.text(.95, .96, '$X$ loadings', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=8, color='steelblue')

        # Y loadings
        rect = Rectangle((0.12, 0.41), .85, .05, fill=True, alpha=.1, linewidth=0, linestyle='--',
                         facecolor='rebeccapurple', transform=fig.transFigure)
        fig.text(.95, .46, '$Y$ loadings', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=8, color='rebeccapurple')

figX, figY = hv.Layout(), hv.Layout()
for ri in range(len(rXs)):

    r = rXs[ri]

    if ri < len(rXs) - 1:
        var_num = ri + 1
        var_num = r'$p_X$'

    panel = (
            (X[:, ri], tX),
            kdims='$X$ feature {}'.format(var_num),
            vdims='$X$ scores',
        * hv.Text(extent, extent+.5, '$r=%.1f$'%r, halign='right', valign='top', fontsize=8)

    if ri > 0:
        panel = panel.opts(yaxis='bare')
        panel = panel.opts(sublabel_format='')

        panel = panel.opts(sublabel_format='a')

    figX += panel


    r = rYs[ri]

    if ri < len(rYs) - 1:
        var_num = ri + 1
        var_num = r'$p_Y$'

    panel = (
            (Y[:, ri], tY),
            kdims='$Y$ feature {}'.format(var_num),
            vdims='$Y$ scores',
        * hv.Text(extent, extent+.5, '$r=%.1f$'%r, halign='right', valign='top', fontsize=8)

    if ri == 0:
        panel *= hv.Text(1.8, 2.8, 'subject', halign='left', valign='center', fontsize=8)
        panel = panel.opts(sublabel_format='b')

    if ri > 0:
        panel = panel.opts(yaxis='bare')
        panel = panel.opts(sublabel_format='')

    figY += panel


fig_schematic = (
    + figY
    opts.Scatter(s=3, xticks=0, yticks=0),
    opts.Overlay(xlim=(-extent, extent), ylim=(-extent, extent), hooks=[hook_loadings]),
    opts.Layout(fig_inches=(7, None), hspace=.3, vspace=.25)

def hook_loadings(plot, element):

    ax = plot.handles['axis']
    fig = plot.handles['fig']

    if (ax.get_position().x0 > .75):
        ax.text(-extent-2.05, 0, '...', transform=ax.transData)

    if (ax.get_position().x0 > .75) and (ax.get_position().y0 > .5):

        # X loadings
        rect = Rectangle((0.12, 0.92), .85, .05, fill=True, alpha=.1, linewidth=0, linestyle='--',
                         facecolor='steelblue', transform=fig.transFigure)
        fig.text(.95, .97, '$X$ loadings', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=8, color='steelblue')

        # Y loadings
        rect = Rectangle((0.12, 0.58), .85, .05, fill=True, alpha=.1, linewidth=0, linestyle='--',
                         facecolor='rebeccapurple', transform=fig.transFigure)
        fig.text(.95, .63, '$Y$ loadings', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=8, color='rebeccapurple')

fig_combined = (
        opts.Scatter(s=3, xticks=0, yticks=0),
        opts.Overlay(xlim=(-extent, extent), ylim=(-extent, extent), hooks=[hook_loadings]),
    + fig_true_cca.opts(*fig_opts).opts(
        opts.QuadMesh(logx=True, cmap='inferno', clim=(0, 1), sublabel_format='c', sublabel_position=(-.15, .92)),
    + fig_true_pls.opts(*fig_opts).opts(
            logx=True, cmap='inferno', clim=(0, 1), colorbar=True, colorbar_opts={"orientation":"vertical"}, # clabel="",
            ylabel='', hooks=[suptitle_pls], sublabel_format='d', sublabel_position=(-.15, .92)),
    + fig_crossloadings_cca.opts(*fig_opts).opts(
                logx=True, logz=False, cmap='RdBu_r', symmetric=True, xlim=(6, None), clim=(-.65, .65),
                hooks=[suptitle_cca], ylabel='', colorbar=False, colorbar_opts={"orientation":"vertical"},
                sublabel_format='e', sublabel_position=(-.15, .92))
    + fig_crossloadings_pls.opts(*fig_opts).opts(
            logx=True, logz=False, cmap='RdBu_r', symmetric=True, xlim=(6, None), clim=(-.65, .65), # clabel="",
            hooks=[suptitle_pls], ylabel='', colorbar=True, colorbar_opts={"orientation":"vertical"}, sublabel_format='f',
            sublabel_position=(-.15, .92))

    opts.Layout(fig_inches=(7, None), hspace=.9, vspace=.6)

hv.save(fig_combined, 'fig/figS_loadings.pdf')

hv.save(fig_schematic, 'fig/figS_loadings_AB.svg')
hv.save(fig_true_cca, 'fig/figS_loadings_C.pdf')
hv.save(fig_true_pls, 'fig/figS_loadings_D.pdf')
hv.save(fig_crossloadings_cca, 'fig/figS_loadings_E.pdf')
hv.save(fig_crossloadings_pls, 'fig/figS_loadings_F.pdf')